I Write to Vent

The Life Of An Amputee Episode 1 

The Life of an Amputee from a Double Amputee.


I decided to start a new vlog series to explain some of the things I go through as an amputee, what's life like for me as an amputee. I often get asked questions of what it's like, I really do not know how to explain that in one simple answer! So why not give you content on it.


Hang in there love! 

We may not always understand everything that goes on with our lives. But if we give it a little time and a lot of patience. Life will begin to show you why it had to be you, or why it had to happen, just as long as we keep on pushing through whatever life throws us. 

There is always a purpose in the pain. 

Enjoy y'all day loves. If nobody told you lately, you GOT THIS, and ONE day it will be a little better. 

How I Feel at 5am 

Days where I’m just tired, overwhelmed, and needing to be surrounded by love and positive people,  

DAMN I wished I had a place to go.  

Somewhere I could call home.  

Where I can relax the troubles of my life, 

and calm every storm that’s raging inside.  

Where love embraces me, and not judge me. 

Where the energy that surrounds me, only heals me.  

A place, where I can feel needed, wanted and celebrated.  

Maybe what I crave is something far too much simple to be found on earth.  

Cause with each day the…

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